We are halfway there! 20 weeks

Wow! I can’t believe we have finally made it to 20 weeks. These past 16 weeks of my life have felt like the shortest and longest. Here’s a nice breakdown of them

Weeks 1-2: We aren’t even pregnant. It’s a little weird they start counting before the baby exists but that’s how it goes.

Week 3: We are pregnant and blissfully unaware of it. We go to New Mexico and Colorado for some much needed time off. Baby is already a world traveler.

Week 4: We find out we are pregnant! I am so excited and scared! We waited such a long time to get here yet all I can think about is the possibility of losing the baby. I am a realist so I always want to be realistic about expectations so I am constantly treading between pure joy and pure panic.

Week 5: Nausea is starting to hit a bit but we have people staying with us so I have to keep it under wraps! Also, we start to tell people cause I’m not good with keeping this secret a secret.

Weeks 6 and 7: Dear baby Jesus, what in the world is going on? The worst nausea and indigestion of my life hits me and I proceed to cry at every meal possible. Why does this baby hate me so? And please someone tell me this won’t last forever. And how am I ever going to have more babies? I can’t do this to myself again.

Weeks 8 – 17: Though I don’t necessarily feel like dying like the previous weeks, I do feel like I have a constant never ending stomach flu. I don’t throw up but sure want to every minute of the day (I know that sounds like a hyperbole. But trust me, it was pretty bad). My belly looks like I’m eating a little too much – just plain flabby. No baby in sight and I begin to lose it emotionally. Did I mention I cried a lot because of how sick I felt? Aren’t you glad you weren’t around this ray of sunshine during this time?

Weeks 18 – 19: Sweet Jesus! I see the light. The nausea is finally gone and the indigestion is starting to take it easy on me. I still have a super sensitive nose, so certain foods are off limits. But overall, my appetite is back and now I feel like devouring a cow on a daily basis. I will try to refrain so I don’t spend the third trimester crying over the fact that I look like a cow myself.

Overall, pregnancy has been much harder than I anticipated. I was expecting the pregnancy glow, but instead I got some bad sickness and really dry skin. I’m not complaining, just being honest. I am beyond excited to be expecting this baby and I know without a doubt that the waiting and the sickness will be absolutely worth it! We are 20 weeks out from meeting our little guy and I have a feeling these weeks will also fly by and crawl all at the same time.

Ps. For anyone wondering, baby has no name. Hopefully by the time he is born Matt and I will decide on something.

Also, here are the ultrasound photos we have of our adorable baby so far

Expecting a baby - ultrasound week 8week 8
Expecting a baby - ultrasound week 13Week 13Expecting a baby - ultrasound week 20Week 20

Pregnant at 17 weeksAnd the bump at 17 weeks on my birthday!



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